Five fresh options for frustrated maize growers

As planting season draws near, farmers need to do things differently. As a routine, there has been a tendency to depend on same crop (maize) year in year out even when it has shown signs of failure when conditions are not favourable. Production of maize could suffer a setback if subsidised fertiliser is not availed in good time. Already, farmers are still holding on previous harvest due to poor market prices.

Faced with these challenges, it is time to embrace crop diversification. Crop diversification implies that farmers should shift from regional growing of one dominant crop to regional production of a number of crops to meet ever increasing demand for cash crop and food production. It takes into account the economic returns from different value-added crops with complementary marketing opportunities. Crop diversification will ensure farmers are cushioned from the unpredictable weather.

Price fluctuations

Diversification will also manage price fluctuations because not all products suffer low prices at once. Unfortunately, most farmers often do the opposite of diversification by planting products that have a high price in one year, only to see the price collapse in the next.

Although it may take a bit more work and patience to establish a planting of tree fruit compared to “instant” crops like maize, the trees will continue to produce fruits and nuts, and increase profits, for years. Nut trees can produce for decades as well, producing a dependable income for years.

Passion fruit

Passion fruit is one high value fruit crop farmers can opt for. The crop is able to produce income in the first year of production. Farmers are assured of this income for more than three years upon establishment. Because, maturity and ripening does not happen at the same time, it gives one time to plan for market.

Hass avocado

Much has been said about avocados. This is another fruit on demand in the export market. Hass avocado to be specific is fetching good market prices. Advantage of avocado trees is they take less than four years to maturation after planting and the orchard can give more than 15 years with good management.

Macadamia nuts

Macadamia nuts are also rising in demand and prices. The trees can grow in most areas of the country. It’s hardy and adapts well to completely different climates.

French beans

Apart from fruit trees and nuts, horticultural crops such as French beans are changing livelihoods of most farmers. Though a risky venture but one can make a lot of money provided you stick, to the strict marketing schedule.

Cut flowers

Cut flowers are another one of the best cash crops for small growers. You can start as a part time farmer growing for local outlets and for export. Cut flowers are a perfect cash crop, because they are easy to grow, produce quickly and can supply a good income throughout the growing season.

Startup costs are low, as most gardeners already have the basic gardening tools needed, and only have to buy seeds to get started. Local outlets are the best place for the beginning flower grower to get started. It’s best to stick to proven cut flower varieties when starting out, so you have a better chance of selling out on market days. 

The benefits of crop diversification are numerous. They include increasing income on small farm holdings, withstanding price fluctuation, balancing food demand, improving fodder for livestock animals, conservation of natural resources, reducing dependence on off-farm inputs, depending on crop rotation, decreasing insect pests, diseases and weed problems.

[The writer is an expert on sustainable agriculture]  

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